‘Israel says it targeted Hamas posts in Gaza after rocket fired’

Rocket fired from Gaza into Israel (paffairs_sanfrancisco)


Rockets were reportedly fired from Gaza and Israel responded:

Israel says it targeted Hamas posts in Gaza after rocket fired

August 22, 2020

Israeli tanks shelled Hamas positions early on Saturday, hours after it said a rocket was launched at southern Israel.

A statement from the military said the Israeli “tanks targeted Hamas military posts in the southern Gaza Strip” in response to Friday’s fire.

The rocket, which set off sirens in southern Israel, was intercepted by air defences without causing any casualties or damage, it said.

Gaza security sources told AFP news agency Israeli tank fire targeted Hamas observation posts east of Rafah and east of Khan Younis, causing no casualties.

Israel has bombed Gaza almost daily since August 6 in response to the launch of balloons fitted with firebombs, or, less frequently, rockets. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/08/israel-targeted-hamas-posts-gaza-rocket-fired-200822083944443.html

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said nine of the 12 projectiles were intercepted.

Israeli media cited emergency services as saying three people were treated for shock after a house in Sderot was damaged by an unexploded rocket, while a woman was hurt while running to safety.

The IDF said it responded by striking a Hamas military compound used for rocket ammunition manufacturing and “underground terror infrastructure” in Gaza. …

Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepted rockets near Ashkelon on Sunday 08/21/20 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-53833280

Israel’s “Iron Dome” is essentially an anti-missile system intended to block rockets and missiles from hitting targets within Israel.

‘Iron Dome’ missile (Israel Defense Forces)

Here is some of what Wikipedia says about the Iron Dome:

Iron Dome (Hebrew: כִּפַּת בַּרְזֶל, kippat barzel) is a mobile all-weather air defense system[8] developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries.[7] The system is designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells fired from distances of 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) to 70 kilometres (43 mi) away and whose trajectory would take them to an Israeli populated area.[9][10] Israel hopes to increase the range of Iron Dome’s interceptions, from the current maximum of 70 kilometres (43 mi) to 250 kilometres (160 mi) and make it more versatile so that it could intercept rockets coming from two directions simultaneously. … Iron Dome is part of a future multi-tiered missile defense system that Israel is developing, which includes Arrow 2, Arrow 3, Iron Beam, Barak 8[18] and David’s Sling. (Iron Dome, Wikipedia, accessed 11/01/19)

Israel has mainly used the Iron Dome to deal with rockets from Gaza.

The group Hamas controls Gaza and Hamas wants Israel obliterated.

Notice something from one of Hamas’ official documents:

Goals of the HAMAS:
'The Islamic  Resistance  Movement  is  a  distinguished  Palestinian    movement, whose allegiance
is to Allah, and  whose  way  of  life  is    Islam. It strives to raise the banner of Allah  over
every  inch  of    Palestine.' (Article 6)    

On the Destruction of Israel:
'Israel will exist and  will  continue  to  exist  until  Islam  will    obliterate it, just as it
obliterated others before it.' (Preamble)

While Hamas wants Israel gone, it may be open to some type of timed withdrawal.

Several years ago, it was reported that some in Hamas were seemingly interested in signing an 8-year peace deal with Israel (see Hamas allegedly ready to sign 8-year peace deal, but Israel denies discussion in progress). Whether or not Hamas and Israel are yet anywhere near signing such a deal seems doubtful, yet the time will come when there will be a temporary ‘peace deal’ in the general region (see the article The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27).

A deal will come and neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians will like the deal very much and the reality is that it will not end well for Israel. Lands that Israel currently claims will end up under control by those who are currently in opposition to Israel according to the Bible.

The Bible shows that one day God will remove the protection of Judah:

7 It shall come to pass that your choicest valleys Shall be full of chariots, And the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate.

8 He removed the protection of Judah. You looked in that day to the armor of the House of the Forest; 9 You also saw the damage to the city of David, That it was great; And you gathered together the waters of the lower pool. 10 You numbered the houses of Jerusalem, And the houses you broke down To fortify the wall. (Isaiah 22:6-10)

The tiny nation called Israel is highly descended from the tribe of Judah. Jerusalem is the “city of David” (c2 Kings 14:20). Therefore, scripture is clear that Israel is prophesied to be damaged. Now the prophecy in Isaiah 22 seems to involve people from Iran and Syria. It may well be that those in Gaza will align themselves with them against the nation of Israel.

One day, the nation of Israel will lose territory (for details, see the prophecies in the article Gaza and the Palestinians in Bible Prophecy).

The entire 47th chapter of Jeremiah is a prophecy involving the Philistines, including Gaza–notice also that Ashekelon is mentioned:

1 The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet against the Philistines, before Pharaoh attacked Gaza.

2 Thus says the Lord: “Behold, waters rise out of the north, And shall be an overflowing flood; They shall overflow the land and all that is in it, The city and those who dwell within; Then the men shall cry, And all the inhabitants of the land shall wail. 3 At the noise of the stamping hooves of his strong horses, At the rushing of his chariots, At the rumbling of his wheels, The fathers will not look back for their children, Lacking courage, 4 Because of the day that comes to plunder all the Philistines, To cut off from Tyre and Sidon every helper who remains; For the Lord shall plunder the Philistines, The remnant of the country of Caphtor. 5 Baldness has come upon Gaza, Ashkelon is cut off With the remnant of their valley. How long will you cut yourself? 6 “O you sword of the Lord, How long until you are quiet? Put yourself up into your scabbard, Rest and be still! 7 How can it be quiet, Seeing the Lord has given it a charge Against Ashkelon and against the seashore? There He has appointed it.” (Jeremiah 47:1-7)

Problems were thus prophesied for the Palestianians including those of Gaza–since there is a duality to some prophecies (e.g. Malachi 4:5 & Matthew 17:10-13), this looks to have future application. It should be noted that Ashkelon is currently part of Israel, Hamas recently targeted it, and the Palestinians will either control it again or be so numerous in it that they are affected.

Ultimately in this age, Jerusalem will not be the ‘undivided’ capital of Israel (cf. Daniel 11:31) and the nation of Israel will lose territory to the Palestinians.

Rockets and the Iron Dome are NOT the solution for the region. Those who believe the Bible are supposed to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalms 122:6), although true peace will not come until after the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God.

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