Palestinians celebrate ‘suicide stabbings’
Jerusalem (photo by Dr. Thiel)
News reports tell of more violence in Syria and Israel as well as the partitioning taking place. First notice something related to Syria:
Suicide Stabbings: A New Chapter in Palestinian Violence
The readiness of young Palestinians to attack, knowing they face a good chance of dying, has fundamentally changed the situation in Israel and the territories.
October 18, 2015
The five stabbing attacks by terrorists on Saturday, one in Jerusalem and four in the West Bank, support the conclusion that had been reached over recent days: In the third week of the current wave of violence, the end doesn’t appear to be on the horizon.
There have been increases and decreases in the daily number of incidents (although Thursday was the only day without a stabbing attack over the past 11 days). The size of the crowds at Palestinian demonstrations in the West Bank and on the Gaza Strip border has been on the decline for a number of days. And yet there are no signs that the escalation has been halted, or that it will happen in the near future.
Therefore, even if the heat of the confrontation is lower than during the first month of the two previous intifadas (which broke out in 1987 and 2000, respectively); even if the number of Palestinians taking part in the demonstrations and violent incidents is immeasurably smaller; even if the Palestinian laborers continue to leave the West Bank to work in Israel in almost normal fashion; and even if trade between the territories and Israel has not undergone a real change, it’s clear that a different situation is developing here. Its most prominent characteristic is the stabbing attacks – most, but not all, of which have been committed by residents of East Jerusalem.
The readiness of three, four or even five young Palestinians a day to attack, knives in hand, in the clear knowledge that they face a good chance of dying has fundamentally changed the situation in Israel and the territories. This is imposing an atmosphere of fear in the streets and on buses, and has required the diversion of police and military troops to the heart of cities and to areas where Arab and Jewish populations meet.
October 18, 2015
On Sunday evening, an Arab assailant shot at people in Beersheba’s central bus station, killing one Israeli soldier and wounding 10 police and civilians, according to The Associated Press. The man walked in with a knife and gun and started “shooting and stabbing people.” Security then killed him.
An Eritrean man with no connection to the alleged assailant was mistakenly shot by security personnel and beaten up by a mob, the Jerusalem Post said. Israelis congregated outside of the bus station Sunday night, chanting “death to Arabs.”
While most incidents in the past few days have been directed at members of Israeli police and border patrol, this shooting occurred in a crowded space, placing a higher number of people at risk.
These incidents bring up the death toll from street violence to more than 40 Palestinians and eight Israelis in recent weeks.
Social media played a major role in the stabbing streak
Unlike past outbreaks of violence between Israelis and Palestinians, this recent uptick has been driven by knife attacks. The perpetrators are described as leaderless young people fueled by social media — the term “knife intifada” has even appeared online.
“You don’t need something sophisticated. We’re talking about 15-year-old boys,” Orit Perlov, an analyst of Arab social media at the Institute for National Security Studies, told The New York Times. “You just write the word ‘it’an,’ stab in Arabic, and then whoever has a knife in his house and wants to go, that’s it.”
Many Palestinians are depressed, distraught, and feel that they are without hope. Because of improper Islamic teachings, many believe that engaging in this type of suicidal behavior will not only free them from problems in this life, but give them an opportunity to fulfill various lusts in the next (e.g. see Suicide bombers kill scores in Turkey–their hope for reward is flawed)–but that is a false hope.
Various Palestinians have celebrated the stabbings and indicated that they are the right course of action:
October 17, 2015
Palestinians in Israel have celebrated the deaths of two innocent bus riders by posting a reenactment video of the terror attack online – only a day after the attack occurred.
Palestinian Media Watch, which monitors and reports on media issues in the Middle East, found the video on the Islamic Bloc, Western Gaza Facebook page.
It shows two young men preparing for an attack by grabbing a knife, loading a gun and shaking hands. Then they are on the bus and draw their weapons, stabbing viciously and shooting. It appeared on Wednesday.
PMW explained the video “celebrates” the Jerusalem bus terror attack that happened on Tuesday in which “two Palestinian terrorists, Baha Alyan (22) and Bilal Ghanem (23) boarded an Israeli bus in Jerusalem with a gun and a knife and attacked passengers, killing 2 and wounding 4 Israelis.”
A new generation of angry, disillusioned Palestinians is driving the current wave of clashes with Israeli forces . . . some say they want to emulate those killed or wounded in confrontations or attacks on Israelis – like Mohannad Halabi, the 19-year-old law student from the West Bank who stabbed to death two Israelis in Jerusalem’s Old City on the weekend before being shot by police.
“We are all impressed by what he has done,” said Malik Hussein, the 19-year-old friend and fellow law student at Quds University near Jerusalem. “The day after the attack, university took to the streets and clashed with Israeli soldiers. Mohannad’s way is the only way to liberate Palestine.” (Daraghmeh M, Laub K. Disillusioned Palestinian youth drive unrest. National Post, October 7, 2015, A1)
Of course, the solution to Palestine and Jerusalem is not war and terrorism, but the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the kingdom of God.
Learning how to stab and kill is not the answer. The time will come when:
4 He shall judge between the nations,
And rebuke many people;
They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war anymore. (Isaiah 2:4)3 He shall judge between many peoples,
And rebuke strong nations afar off;
They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war anymore.4 But everyone shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree,
And no one shall make them afraid;
For the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken.
5 For all people walk each in the name of his god,
But we will walk in the name of the Lord our God
Forever and ever. (Micah 4:3-5)
Malik Hussein and others should, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6) and “Thy Kingdom come” (Matthew 6:10).
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