Dr. Winnail: The Most Important Quality
Dr. Douglas Winnail
In his latest update, LCG’s Dr. D. Winnail had the following:
The Most Important Quality: Most of God’s people understand the importance of keeping the commandments, the Sabbath, the Holy Days and the dietary laws. They also understand the importance of government, tithing, faith and watching for the fulfillment of prophecy. Yet sometimes, in our zeal to obey the laws of God, we can overlook something else that is even more important—and that is the need to develop and exercise Godly Love. We are told in the Scriptures that without Godly Love, all these other things will amount to nothing (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). Here, the biblical word for love (agape) refers to an unselfish outgoing concern for others. In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul states that Godly Love does not seek its own way; it is calm and not easily provoked, nor does it jump to conclusions or assign motives or sit in judgment of others. Instead, Godly Love is gracious and forgiving. It is positive and focuses on what is right and true. It never fails or falters. Godly Love is the most important fruit of God’s Spirit that we must nourish and cultivate if we hope to become like our Father and our Elder Brother Jesus Christ. God is love (1 John 4:8, 16). And we have been created to become like Him (1 John 3:1-3). Let’s make that our goal. Let’s ask God to help us learn to love Him and learn to love others as He does, so we can develop this most important quality—of Godly Love.
Love is what the Bible really is about. And that is what true Christianity is specifically about.
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