State of Emergency declared in Ferguson
Ferguson Protestors (Loavesofbread)
Protests and violence returned to Ferguson, Missouri and at least one protester got quite violent:
August 10, 2015
Authorities declared a state of emergency in Ferguson, Missouri, after gunfire erupted on the anniversary of a high-profile police shooting and prosecutors on Monday charged an 18-year-old man with assault on officers.
The man, Tyrone Harris, was critically wounded in an exchange of gunfire with police on Sunday night as people marked the shooting death one year ago of unarmed black man Michael Brown by a white officer in Ferguson, a suburb of St. Louis.
Police said Harris was being treated in hospital. They said St. Louis County prosecutors charged Harris, whose bond was set at $250,000, on four counts, including “assault on law enforcement” and shooting at a motor vehicle.
The violence, which also included a drive-by shooting and police being pelted with objects, prompted St. Louis County to declare a state of emergency.
“In light of last night’s violence and unrest in the City of Ferguson, and the potential for harm to persons and property, I am exercising my authority as county executive to issue a state of emergency, effective immediately,” County Executive Steve Stenger said in a statement.
On a day of civil disobedience called by activists in Missouri on Monday, several people were arrested after jumping barricades at a courthouse in St. Louis, news video reports showed.
Two policemen were shot in Ferguson, Missouri early Thursday, hours after the city’s police chief resigned in the wake of a Justice Department report that accused the department of racially biased policing.
The incident occurred about midnight as protesters gathered outside the Ferguson police station were just beginning to disperse. A few dozen demonstrators scrambled following the sound of gunfire.
One of the officers, a member of the St. Louis County police department, was shot in the shoulder, while the other, from the nearby town of Webster Groves, was shot in the face.
St. Louis County police chief Jon Belmar said the officers were conscious but described their wounds as “very serious.”
Sadly, I expected something like this. Actually, that is part of why I did NOT report about Ferguson this weekend–I suspected that the protesters would not all be peaceful.
Now, I will state that I believe police often disobey laws and/or act like they are above the law. Too often, certain elements of the police force have been too harsh and/or violent to citizens of various races. But I do not believe that most police officers are looking for an opportunity to harm/kill someone because of race. Furthermore, I also believe that the media and federal government have overly fanned the flames of race and relations with police officers. Enough so, that some people inclined towards violence have attempted to use protests as a cover for their violence.
Ferguson needs the kingdom of God.
Violence is not the answer to injustice. Notice what Jesus said:
52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. (Matthew 26:52, KJV)
Vengeance belongs to God:
17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. (Romans 12:17-19, NKJV)
What is needed is peace:
9 Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God. (Matthew 5:9)
As far as violence goes, the Bible also shows that God is against violence and that destruction will come because of it:
23 ‘Make a chain,
For the land is filled with crimes of blood,
And the city is full of violence.
24 Therefore I will bring the worst of the Gentiles,
And they will possess their houses;
I will cause the pomp of the strong to cease,
And their holy places shall be defiled. (Ezekiel 7:23-24)28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality…30…violent, proud, boasters,…31…unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. (Romans 1:28-32)
8…And the violence of the land and the city, And of all who dwell in it. ( Habakkuk 2:8)
For years, based on prophecies like the above, I have written that civil unrest would come to the USA. I expect more civil unrest in the USA in the future. Ferguson is only a taste of what is to come.
In my view, some protesters and some in the government turn too quickly to violence. And that does not bode well for various ones in the USA.
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