BBC: Germany sees ‘overwhelming’ sales of Hitler’s Mein Kampf; EUObserver: Superpower
Dust jacket of Adolf Hitler’s famous book
The sale of the re-release of Adolf Hitler’s book Mein Kampf has been called overwhelming:
Germany sees ‘overwhelming’ sales of Hitler’s Mein Kampf
3 January 2017
The German publisher of a special annotated edition of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf says sales have soared since its launch a year ago.
About 85,000 German-language copies of the anti-Semitic Nazi manifesto have been sold. Publisher Andreas Wirsching said “the figures overwhelmed us”.
He is director of the Institute of Contemporary History (IfZ) in Munich.
At the end of January the IfZ will launch a sixth print run. The book contains critical notes by scholars.
Unlike the Nazi-era editions, the IfZ’s Mein Kampf (My Struggle) has a plain white cover – without a picture of Hitler. The swastika and other Nazi symbols are banned in Germany.
Mr Wirsching told the German news agency DPA that the IfZ was planning a shorter, French-language edition. “But two-thirds of our commentaries will be translated” for it, he said.
The first print run in Germany in 2016 was 4,000 copies.
When it was released last January, the first printing of the re-release of Mein Kampf in Germany quickly sold out (see Mein Kampf sells out).
While the sales of Mein Kampf are not astronomical, there are growing concerns in Germany about its future and immigrants.
In the 1920s and 1930s, Germans were getting upset with limits and territorial losses that the West had imposed on it. The West, Jews, and others were blamed. Adolf Hitler helped persuade Germany to go into the direction that led to World War II.
There is growing antisemitism in Europe. Because of that Jews have been leaving at record levels (see Antisemitism has caused Jewish immigration from Western Europe to Israel to hit an all-time high). World War III is coming.
Of course, Adolf Hitler did not just write against Jews, he praised German ethnicity and German accomplishments. Germany is now a major economic power. But many Germans are wondering if letting in over 1,000,000 Islamic migrants was good or if it should be reversed.
Some want to see Germany rise up again (see German foreign minister called for support and dominance similar to Adolf Hitler).
Others have decided that the better way to do this is through a Europe-wide build-up of armed forces. The fact that Mein Kampf is also being translated into French suggests a wider audience in Europe, beyond the German speakers.
Change is taking place in Europe.
A reader sent me a link to the following today from the EUObserver:
3 January 2017
Britain’s decision in June to leave the EU spurred on the military project. The UK, the EU’s largest military power, had previously opposed it on grounds that it would compete with Nato.
The election of Donald Trump in the US in November also gave the EU military plan a new sense of urgency. The president-elect said in his campaign that the US might no longer defend Nato allies and that he might make a deal with Russia on Ukraine over Europe’s head.
Announcing the military headquarters and battlegroup scheme in November, Mogherini said she had lost count of how many times she had said the project was “not … an EU army”.
Potential superpower
France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, the core group in the EU that wanted to press ahead, also said in a joint paper in October: “To be clear: an ‘EU army’ is not our objective”.
The words were meant to allay anti-federalist sentiments in EU states, but on other occasions the rhetoric was more strident.
Mogherini, in November, said the EU had the “potential of a superpower”. Italy has said the EU military headquarters and battlegroups should be the nucleus of a future “European Integrated Force”.
A French minister also said: “This is something that is very close to the Germans’ heart – they would like to create a European army”.
The semantics of what is taking shape in Brussels recall the 20th century Belgian painter Rene Magritte, who painted a pipe with the caption “Ceci n’est pas une pipe,” meaning “This is not a pipe.”
The next step could be for France, Germany, Italy, and Spain to seek allies to trigger a clause on accelerated military cooperation in the EU’s Lisbon Treaty. …
Germany’s defence minister, Ursula von der Leyen, said military integration was as badly needed as EU freedom of movement in the Schengen zone in order to maintain European unity. France’s finance minister, Michel Sapin, said a joint military was needed to restore faith in the euro and to pave the way for deeper monetary union. …
It also remains to be seen how the security environment will change after Trump takes power in January.
If Europe wants to make sure that the US keeps on protecting its old friends, the “not … an EU army” project could be counterproductive, the UK warned.
“Instead of planning expensive new headquarters or dreaming of a European army, what Europe needs to do now is spend more on its own defence,” the British defence minister, Michael Fallon, said in November, referring to the national military budgets of Nato allies. “That’s the best possible approach to the Trump presidency,” he said.
In other words, to try to not upset the USA and still get its protection for the time being, the Europeans want to become a military superpower, will take steps to be one, but will try to pretend that is not what they are doing even though it is obvious to anyone willing to look.
The Bible teaches that the Europeans will end up with a “great army” (Daniel 11:25)–so no matter how some try to spin this, the Europeans will end up with a European army.
Donald Trump’s election is spurring the Europeans to increase military cooperation and spending within the European Union. However, for the time being, Europe will rely on the USA to defend it. And this will basically continue until the Europeans believe they can attack and eliminate the USA.
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