The fact that this course is quite controversial was made clear recently by the new Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni – she announced that she wanted to increase the upper limit for cash payments in Italy from the current 2000 to 10 000 euros, the same amount as in Germany.

WEF-star, The Netherlands, meanwhile is marching full steam ahead in the opposite direction. If Finance Minister Sigrid Kaag has her way, all transactions over 100 euros will be monitored by the banks in the future – a massive invasion of privacy. In addition, unsurprisingly, the minister is campaigning for the introduction of the digital euro.

According to the Dutch news agency Business AM, the finance minister is currently working on a relevant draft law. Transfers that exceed the amount of 100 euros are to be stored in a separate database accessible to the government. …

In addition, Kaag is pushing for the launch of an EU-wide central bank digital currency. No surprise really since Kaag is a Schwab acolyte par excellence. “The introduction of the digital euro is becoming more and more real. I think it’s important that we in the Netherlands, with our innovative and open economy, take an active part in these considerations,” the minister was quoted as saying in a letter she sent to the House of Representatives in the summer.

Transfer monitoring from 100 euros would be a clear step in this direction. …

The ECB plans for the digital euro are taking on more and more concrete forms. The Brussels grandees are leaving no stone unturned and their henchmen in governments are implementing the plan to control citizens. Pretending that the alleged fight is against money laundering and terrorism when governments invite in ISIS terrorists to stay, or claiming that it’s about a reconstruction of the devastated economy in Europe – all these fabrications are supposed to serve as a pretext for their totalitarian project.

ECB boss and WEF foundation board member Christine Lagarde has been harping on about the advance of foreign corporations in European payment transactions.