Germany chooses MEADS over Patriot; Italian concerns about German ambitions

MEADS Over-the-Shoulder Launch


A reader tipped me off that Germany choose MEADS missile defense technology over another:

9 June 2015

The German government has opted for the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) built by American defense contractor Lockheed Martin and the European defense group MBDA, instead of the Patriot system developed by American defense contractor Raytheon Corporation. …Germany has long sought to upgrade its current missile defense system comprised of Patriot missile equipment developed in the 1980s by Raytheon.


The venture to develop the state of the art defense system was taken up by euroMBDA, which includes MBDA Deutschland, MBDA Italy, and Lockheed Martin.

The MBDA said in a statement last year that MEADS “combines superior battlefield protection with new flexibility to protect forces and critical assets against tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial systems (drones) and aircraft.”

Earlier this year, Lockheed CEO Marillyn A. Hewson said the defense contractor was developing “the next generation of missile defense technology, focusing on effective, mobile, affordable, and adaptable systems,” adding that MEADS “fits that mold.”

“Each MEADS element is lightweight and truck-mounted, with rotating radars and advanced launchers to provide 360-degree coverage capability to the warfighter. It’s no wonder that MEADS is a candidate for the national defense system of a number of European countries, including Germany and Italy,” Hewson said.

June 9, 2015

MEADS has been developed through MEADS International, a cooperative venture between MBDA and Lockheed Martin. The TLVS program ensures seamless continuation of this successful development partnership. Lockheed Martin companies in Dallas, Texas; Huntsville, Alabama; Orlando, Florida; and Syracuse, New York, are expected to support the German program.

“With this decision in favour of MEADS, Germany has opted for a powerful, state-of-the-art, long term ground-based air and missile defence system sufficient to meet the threats both of today and of the future,” said Thomas Homberg, managing director of MBDA Deutschland. “It is now our shared responsibility, together with the armed forces, to provide a solid basis for the introduction of the system.”

Notice that this is a more technologically advanced system and that it is the result of joint European and USA technologies.  It has long been my view that the European Beast power will be able to takeover the USA because of technology.  It has also long been my view that Europe will glean military technology from the USA as a means to accomplish this.

The announcement of the MEADS system purchase by Germany is consistent with both of those views.

Here is additional information related to MEADS:

MEADS is designed to address the shortcomings of fielded systems and to permit full interoperability between U.S. and allied forces. It is the only medium-range AMD system to provide full 360-degree coverage against tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, aircraft, and large-caliber rockets.

MEADS provides ground-mobile air and missile defense with expanded coverage. The system provides enhanced force protection against a broad array of third-dimension threats. Improved interoperability, mobility, and full 360-degree defense capability against the evolving threat represent are key aspects. MEADS is the first air and missile defense (AMD) system that provides continuous on-the-move protection for maneuver forces. MEADS also provides area defense, homeland defense, and weighted asset protection.

MEADS incorporates the Lockheed Martin hit-to-kill PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) missile in a system including 360-degree surveillance and fire control sensors, netted-distributed tactical operations centers, and lightweight launchers. A single MEADS battery is able to defend up to 8 times the area of a Patriot battery through use of advanced 360-degree sensors, near-vertical launch capability, and the longer-range PAC-3 MSE missile. The MEADS radars – using active phased arrays and digital beam forming – make full use of the PAC-3 MSE missile’s extended range.

Truck-mounted MEADS elements drive or roll on and off C-130 and A400M transport aircraft so they can quickly deploy to a theater of operations. Because MEADS uses fewer system assets, it permits a substantial reduction in deployed personnel and equipment. MEADS reduces demand for airlift, so it can deploy to theater faster.

The minimum MEADS engagement capability requires only one launcher, one battle manager, and one fire control radar to provide 360-degree defense of troops or critical assets. As more system elements arrive, they automatically and seamlessly join the MEADS network and build out capability. …

MEADS is a candidate for the German Taktisches Luftverteidigungssystem (TLVS), a new generation of air and missile defense that requires flexible architecture based on strong networking capabilities. (MEADS, Wikipedia, accessed 06/09/15)

The USA uses cruise missiles and the Germans are getting a military system that will help defend against them.  Many are unconcerned about Germany and do not believe it would rise up and possibly takeover other lands in the future.

But some others wonder.  A reader sent a link to the following from Italy in Italian and there is a machine-language English translation below:

La questione della Germania

Senza un serio tentativo di demitizzazione, è impossibile delineare ciò che potrebbe essere interpretato come un nuovo, scrupoloso, tentativo di egemonia da parte della Germania.

Contrariamente al mito correntemente diffuso dai think tank statunitensi, la Berlino politica sotto la cancelliera Merkel, non è una mediatrice tra degli Stati Uniti ancora egemonici e una Russia “aggressiva”.

La realtà è che Berlino, almeno per il momento, preferirebbe dare l’impressione di cantare l’inno a Washington – con qualche variazione minore – mentre castiga la Russia. Questo avviene anche se consideriamo i solidi legami energetici/commerciali/finanziari con Mosca, difatti la Germania importa un terzo del suo gas naturale, e le industrie/compagnie/corporazioni tedesche hanno enormemente investito in Russia.

Contrariamente a un secondo mito, la Berlino politica non cerca “stabilità” nei confini orientali dell’Europa, ma anzi, assoluto vassallaggio. L’inarrestabile integrazione dell’Est Europa nell’Unione Europea, condotta da Berlino, fu una strategia tanto per aprire nuovi mercati per l’esportazione tedesca, quanto per erigere un cuscinetto tra Germania e Russia. Per quanto riguarda i Paesi Baltici, questi sono già dei vassalli: la Germania è il più importante partner commerciale per tutti e tre.

Un ulteriore mito è che Berlino non può aumentare le – controproducenti – sanzioni contro la Russia fino a che la “sicurezza” dell’Europa centrale e orientale non sarà garantita. In realtà la Germania desidera solo esercitare completo controllo politico ed economico sulla periferia dell’ex URSS.

A proposito della stessa UE, ora invischiata in un tossico contesto post-democratico, anti-egualitario, devastato dall’austerità, senza via d’uscita visibili: ormai è la Germania a governare, politicamente ed economicamente. …

La vera minaccia per gli Stati Uniti, molto più pericolosa della Russia – “che è esterna all’Impero” – è la Germania.  …la Germania ha faticosamente organizzato la sua egemonia sull’UE appoggiandosi al fatto che questo eterogeneo contenitore di nazioni fornirà a Berlino l’economia di scala necessaria a vincere contro il suo maggior competitore industriale, gli USA. …

L’ascesa della Germania – e l’inevitabile scontro tra USA e Germania, ancora una volta. (13 Maggio 2015)

The question of Germany 

Without a serious attempt at demystification, it is impossible to outline what could be interpreted as a new, painstaking effort of domination by Germany.

Contrary to the myth spread by the current US think tank that the Berlin policy under Chancellor Merkel is a mediator between the United States and Russia, that policy is still hegemonic “aggressive”.

The reality is that Berlin, at least for the moment, prefer to give the impression of singing the anthem in Washington – with some minor variation – while punish Russia. This happens even if we consider the strong links energy / Business / Financial with Moscow, in fact, Germany imports a third of its natural gas, and industries / companies / corporations in Germany have greatly invested in Russia.

Contrary to another myth, the Berlin policy does not seek “stability” in the eastern borders of Europe, but on the contrary, absolute allegiance. The relentless integration of Eastern Europe into the European Union, led by Berlin, was a strategy as to open new markets for German exports, as to erect a buffer between Germany and Russia. As for the Baltic states, these are already vassals: Germany is the largest trading partner for all three.

Another myth is that Berlin can not increase the – counter – sanctions against Russia until the “security” of Central and Eastern Europe will not be guaranteed. Germany actually only wants to exercise full political and economic control on the outskirts of the former USSR.

About the EU itself, now embroiled in a toxic environment post-democratic, anti-egalitarian, devastated by austerity, with no visible way out: now is the rule in Germany, politically and economically. …

The real threat to the United States, far more dangerous than Russia – “that is external to the Empire” – is Germany.  … Germany has painstakingly organized its hegemony on the EU leaning to the fact that this heterogeneous container nations in Berlin will provide the economy of scale needed to win against its biggest competitor industry, the US. …

The rise of Germany – and the inevitable clash between the US and Germany, {will happen} once again.

Germany is rising up and at least one Italian writing is reporting about it.

Some see it, some do not.

The more advanced military technology that Germany and the rest of Europe acquire, the greater the risk to the USA.  Let me simply conclude by stating that the Bible shows that the strongest military power in the world (currently the USA) will be taken over and the world will marvel that the Europeans were able to do that:

39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain.  (Daniel 11:39)

3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”  (Revelation 13:3-4)

The ‘he’ in Daniel 11:39 is the European King of the North.  The world will marvel after the European King of the North Beast power defeats the previously ‘unconquerable’ USA.

Germany is taking steps that will lead to the fulfillment of those prophecies.  The MEADS purchase is just one more step consistent with biblical prophecy.

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