Quo vadis Angela Merkel? Time for a Catholic? Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg come back?

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and Angela Merkel


A German language publication reported that Angela Merkel is having issues and it seems time for a Catholic and maybe former German Economics Minister and Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. The following is basically machine-translated and the original German is below it:

Where are you going Angela Merkel?

Sometime between August 27 and October 22, 2017 will be held the next federal election in Germany. These days, it was expected that the 62-year-old Merkel seeks a fourth term and therefore timely announces its renewed candidacy. …

Priority for “Catholic” candidate

If it were up to Merkel and she would withdraw to the political retirement, so probably would currently Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen be brought to be thought to have the best opportunities in the successor position. The only question is whether the party would participate. Among other things, because you do not want to re-appoint a Protestant with the party leadership and the CDU-core voters are actually and mostly to be found in the Catholic Reservoir.

One who could give the CDU new profile and new momentum is the 58-year-old former prime minister of Hesse, Roland Koch, who is the said to have political ambitions. Another which one would guess is the 61-year-old former faction leader Friedrich Merz, who is regarded as especially “bright political head”, but because of an economic top position he now holds (he sits on the board of the world’s largest asset manager) he can hardly that abandons for political office.

Guttenberg is the Bavarian “Ace”

Not that far away, some are finally thinking of that the junior partner to the CDU, the CSU since would desire to once again grab the lead. Seehofer takes it out of the question, because he has no chance in the CDU, which many of his escapades and reviews not forgive him, but the only {option there seems to be the} 45-year-old Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. After his involuntary retirement from politics due to a plagiarism scandal  and the related deprivation of the doctorate, he is busy working on a comeback.

August 31, 2016

Quo vadis Angela Merkel?

31 August 2016

Irgendwann zwischen dem 27. August und 22. Oktober 2017 findet die nächste Bundestagswahl in Deutschland statt. In diesen Tagen wurde erwartet, dass die 62-jährige Merkel eine vierte Regierungspariode anstrebt und daher rechtzeitig ihre erneute Kandidatur bekannt gibt. Tatsächlich aber will sie sich noch Zeit lassen. …

Vorrang für „katholische“ Kandidaten

Ginge es nach Merkel und würde sie sich auf den politischen Ruhestand zurückziehen, so hätte wahrscheinlich derzeit Verteidigungsministerin Ursula von der Leyen beste Chancen in die Nachfolgestellung gebracht zu werden. Fraglich ist nur, ob die Partei da mitspielt. Unter anderem auch, weil man nicht wieder eine Protestantin mit der Parteiführung betrauen will und die CDU-Stammwähler eigentlich und mehrheitlich im katholischen Reservoir zu finden sind.

Einer der übrigens immer wieder genannt wird, der CDU neues Profil und neuen Schwung zu geben, ist der 58-jährige ehemalige Regierungschef von Hessen, Roland Koch, dem nachgesagt wird, unverändert politische Ambitionen zu haben. Ein anderer dem man diese Funktion zutrauen würde, ist der 61-jährige ehemalige  Fraktionschef Friedrich Merz, der als besonders „heller politischer Kopf“ gilt, aber mittlerweile eine wirtschaftliche Topposition innehat (er sitzt im Vorstand des weltweit größten Vermögensverwalters), die man wohl kaum für ein politisches Amt aufgibt.

Guttenberg ist das bayerische „As“

Nicht ganz wegzuschieben sind schließlich Überlegungen, dass der Juniorpartner der CDU, also die CSU auch wieder einmal Lust hätte nach der Führung zu greifen. Seehofer kommt dafür nicht in Frage, weil er keine Chance in der CDU hat, die ihm viele seiner Eskapaden und Kritiken nicht verzeiht, sondern der erst 45-jährige Karl-Theodor von und zu Guttenberg. Nach seinem nicht freiwilligen Rückzug aus der Politik aufgrund eines Plagiatsvorrufs und der damit verbundenen Aberkennung des Doktorats arbeitet er fleißig an einem Comeback. http://www.eu-infothek.com/article/quo-vadis-angela-merkel

A far as a ‘Catholic’ goes, both biblical (cf. Daniel 11:21;36-38) and Catholic prophecies point to a major European leader who will feign some version of Catholicism rising up in the end times. Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg claims Catholicism himself (see Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North?).

While it seems a little early for Herr Guttenberg to make a major political comeback to try to be German Chancellor now, do not count him out.

Before his plagiarism scandal, he was widely believed to be the one who could succeed Angela Merkel.

He has been in self-imposed exile in the USA for a while, though it seems like he visits Germany almost every month.

Kark-Theodor zu Guttenberg is the type of ‘strong man’ Europe may well turn to in times of crisis (cf. Revelation 17:12-13).

We are seeing more and more distance coming between the USA and Europe. And Herr Guttenberg has NOT been shy about his criticisms of USA politicians.

Notice for example the following, which was also machine translated from German to English:

Guttenberg Hands Out: Serious allegations against Obama

Berlin – Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is disappointed by Barack Obama. The US president had in his tenure many promises he did not fulfill according to the accusation of former Defence {Minister}.

Three times did German Chancellor Angela Merkel invited US President Barack Obama to a Germany trip to Hannover. Only at the third attempt Obama had finally agreed to make the trip to Lower Saxony, claiming the “Washington Post”. …

Guttenberg: Obama one of the “most distanced President …”

For Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, the American declarations of love {towards Europe} are not particularly credible. In the “image”, the former defense minister is disappointed by the office of the US president. “The Germans dreamed of a new friend Obama and got the most transatlantic distances from most presidents,” Guttenberg writes in his commentary. The {idea} that America now Germany refers to as long-term partner, {is according to} the former German politician hypocritical: “In the early years there was a feeling that Europe – and especially Berlin – had been deleted from the map of the White House was late, there was a correction, rather tactically motivated than emotional. The visit in Hannover does not change this bit. ” …

Obama’s record in his eight years of tenure falls according Guttenberg as mixed. Both domestically and in foreign affairs Obama did not fulfill a number of his campaign promises. …

Finally Guttenberg’s testimony about Obamas tenure is sobering: “He went to in order to overcome the deep divide between the political camps in Congress today have become chasms from the trenches..” The US president wearing blame for the political uprisings of the populists Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders. “Barack Obama preached change and was finally transformed itself,” Guttenberg accounts with Obama.

Guttenberg teilt aus: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Obama

Berlin – Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg zeigt sich von Barack Obama enttäuscht. Der US-Präsident habe in seiner Amtszeit viele Versprechen nicht einhalten können, so der Vorwurf des ehemaligen Verteidigungsministers.

Drei Mal habe Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel versucht, den US-Präsidenten Barack Obama zu einem Deutschland-Trip nach Hannover zu bewegen. Erst beim dritten Anlauf habe Obama dann schließlich zugesagt, die Reise nach Niedersachsen anzutreten, behauptet die “Washington Post”. …

Guttenberg: Obama einer der “distanziertesten Präsidenten seit Langem”

Für Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg sind die amerikanischen Liebesbekundungen nicht besonders glaubhaft. In der “Bild” zeigt sich der ehemalige Verteidigungsminister enttäuscht von der Amtszeit des US-Präsidenten. “Die Deutschen träumten von einem neuen Freund Obama und bekamen: den transatlantisch distanziertesten Präsidenten seit Langem”, schreibt Guttenberg in seinem Gastbeitrag. Dass Amerika nun Deutschland als langjährigen Partner bezeichne, empfindet der ehemalige deutsche Politiker als scheinheilig: “In den ersten Jahren hatte man das Gefühl, dass Europa – und insbesondere Berlin – aus der Landkarte des Weißen Hauses gestrichen worden wären. Erst spät kam es zu einer Korrektur, eher taktisch als emotional motiviert. Der Besuch in Hannover ändert daran wenig.” …

Obamas Bilanz in seiner acht Jahre andauernden Amtszeit fällt laut Guttenberg durchwachsen aus. Sowohl innenpolitisch als auch außenpolitisch habe Obama eine Vielzahl seiner Wahlversprechen nicht einhalten können. …

Schlussendlich fällt Guttenbergs Zeugnis über Obamas Amtszeit ernüchternd aus: “Er trat an, um die tiefen Gräben zwischen den politischen Lagern im Kongress zu überwinden. Heute sind aus den Gräben Abgründe geworden.” Der US-Präsident trage Schuld an den politischen Aufstiegen der Populisten Donald Trump, Ted Cruz und Bernie Sanders. “Barack Obama predigte Wandel und wurde schließlich selbst gewandelt”, rechnet Guttenberg mit Obama ab. http://www.merkur.de/politik/karl-theodor-guttenberg-us-praesident-barack-obama-berlin-landkarte-gestrichen-zr-6342899.html

Herr Guttenberg is basically saying that the Europeans and others had a lot of hope in Barack Obama. That Barack Obama broke campaign promises. That Barack Obama has unduly increased the distance between the USA and Germany. And that Barack Obama is responsible for the rise of people like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

As far as Donald Trump goes, back in December 2015 Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg called Donald Trump “that blonde lunatic named Donald” (Wish List or Reality? Digital Trends in 2016 | Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg | hub conference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgdZUA96UBU. Posted December 11, 2015).

Notice also the following:

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, former German Defense Minister, warns of an erosion in transatlantic trust, exacerbated by the U.S. presidential-election season. The campaign anthem will be “forget Europe,” he says—and it won’t come only from Donald Trump. …

There is growing division between U.S. and European leaders. Transatlantic ties depend on common values. http://time.com/4154044/geopolitics-2016/

Donald Trump was dismissed by most of the media, but has emerged as the Republican presidential nominee.

As far as Baron Guttenberg goes, he too was rejected by much of the media because of his plagiarism scandal. If he does become the final King of the North, then that is consistent with biblical prophecy:

21 “‘His place will be taken by a reject, a man spurned and passed over for advancement. He’ll surprise everyone, seemingly coming out of nowhere, and will seize the kingdom. (Daniel 11:21 from THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language © 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights reserved.)

Germany turned to Adolf Hitler when it was not pleased with how it was treated after WWI.

The UK turned to Winston Churchill after repeatedly rejecting him to lead it to fight Adolf Hitler in WWII.

Ultimately, we may see, not only Germany, but all of Europe, turning to Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg in the future.

For those that doubt that Europe could turn to a ‘strong man,’ consider that 1) the Bible teaches this in Revelation 17:12-13, 2) a power will arise to destroy the USA, even though it doesn’t think it wants to (Isaiah 10:5-12.

And further consider that even many in the USA have turned towards Donald Trump.

Much is happening on the world scene.

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Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at www.barackobamaprophecy.com. The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
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