Another UCG Shakeup
Ancient Laodicea
Mike Bennett (a UCG member that my wife and I met decades ago when he was in WCG) posted two letters from UCG that stated:
Dear Fellow Elders,
This letter is to inform you of a decision reached today between the Council of Elders and President Clyde Kilough. The Council held an executive session teleconference on April 8, 2010, where it was decided that a change in the office of president of the United Church of God was needed. Since Mr. Kilough had previously indicated that if the Council desired a change in the office of president, he would likely be willing to resign, the Council decided to ask him for his resignation as president.
On Friday morning, April 9, Council Chairman Roy Holladay and two Council members met with Mr. Kilough at the home office in Milford, Ohio. Following this discussion, Mr. Kilough tendered his resignation as president of the Church and it was accepted. He will be reassigned to the field ministry and will continue to contribute to the work of the Church.
Pursuant to Bylaw Article 9.5, Chairman Roy Holladay will take over the duties of the office of president until such time as the Council shall appoint a new president. A meeting was held with the home office staff to inform them of this decision…
I am also planning to send out a letter to the membership next week regarding this change in the office of president.
On behalf of the Council of Elders,
Roy Holladay
Dear Fellow Elders,
Today I accepted the resignations of Jim Franks as Ministerial Services operation manager and Larry Salyer as Media operation manager. Both were very gracious in their approach, and they desire only the best for the United Church of God. They have expressed a willingness to work toward a harmonious transition of their responsibilities.
With the change of responsibilities both Jim and Larry have expressed a desire to continue to serve the Church by pastoring congregations of the United Church of God. Jim and Larry have proven to be able pastors of churches that they have pastored.
I will be recommending to the Council next week a temporary team of men to work with Ministerial Services until a new president is chosen. I mentioned the possibility of two men to the home office staff, but the Council will need to approve the team. The new president will have the responsibility of choosing his own operation managers once he takes office.
Shortly the Council will announce a process for choosing a new president. Your prayers and involvement will be deeply appreciated.
With deep appreciation,
Roy Holladay
Council Chairman and Interim President
UCG has had a lot of governmental changes and shake-ups.
Some articles of possibly related interest may include:
Polycarp, Herbert W. Armstrong, and Roderick C. Meredith on Church Government What form of governance did the early church have? Was it hierarchical? Which form of governance would one expect to have in the Philadelphia remnant? The people decide and/or committee forms, odd dictatorships, or the same type that the Philadelphia era itself had?
Differences between the Living Church of God and United Church of God This article provides quotes information from the two largest groups which had their origins in WCG as well as commentary.
There are Many COGs: Why Support the Living Church of God? This is an article for those who wish to more easily sort out the different COGs. It really should be a MUST READ for current and former WCG/GCI members or any interested in supporting the faithful church. It also explains a lot of what the COGs are all about.
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