Germany’s Merkel: Multiculturalism a Total Failure

Angela Merkel


Germany is starting to decide that it wants all its residents to assimilate into a Judeo-Christian culture:

BERLIN—German Chancellor Angela Merkel joined her country’s increasingly acrimonious debate about immigration over the weekend, declaring that multiculturalism in Germany had been a “total failure.”…

Ms. Merkel’s party has railed against multiculturalism for years, arguing for the primacy of German Leitkultur, a term that evokes the country’s Judeo-Christian traditions, as well as the principles of the age of the enlightenment.

Yet the timing of Ms. Merkel’s comments, which come in the midst of a public debate over what Germany can do to better integrate immigrants, many of whom are Muslim, has drawn attention. Polls indicate that a growing number of Germans believe that too many of the country’s foreigners live in what are often referred to as “parallel communities” with little or no connection with German culture…

Though immigration has been a hot political topic in Germany for years, the latest debate began in August after the publication of a book by Bundesbank official Thilo Sarrazin in which he warned against the growing Islamization of Germany…

Last week, Horst Seehofer, the leader of the Christian Democrats Bavarian sister party, said Germany should consider cutting off immigration from Turkey and Arab countries altogether, an idea Ms. Merkel has opposed.

The balancing act Ms. Merkel is trying to pull off by trying to appeal to both conservative and mainstream voters was apparent in her weekend speech. Even as she attacked multiculturalism, Ms. Merkel endorsed a recent speech Germany’s president in which he said that Islam is “a part of Germany.”

The reality is that most Germans do not consider that Islam is part of Germany.  The stage is being set for a more forceful German leader (perhaps Karl Guttenberg) to rise up and take this to the next level.  If, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared, multiculturalism is a total failure and those from Islamic countries will not totally integrate, the next step may be to insist they integrate or leave.  Of course, to do this, the Germans may follow the lead of others in Europe such as France that banned burqas, and Switzerland that banned the construction of Islamic minarets.

Now, a nation cannot simply be against something, it is also helpful to be for something.  As the article above indicates Judeo-Christian traditions are one such idea.  And the Vatican is working on that:

Pope Benedict XVI signed a “motu proprio” that officially promulgated the mission of a pontifical council dedicated to preaching the Gospel anew and restoring the Catholic way of life to societies which have turned against their sacred heritage. Through this document — “Ubicumque et semper” — the Holy Father is declaring a spiritual campaign to restore the heart of Christendom. Unlike the other wings of the Holy See, which are dedicated to missionary work in the developing nations or to evangelization in a general sense, the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization will focus largely on Europe and the United States…As the Holy Father’s writings and trips have made clear, he is thinking of the cultural and spiritual rot that besets Europe and the Americas. (Fahey WE.  New Pontifical Council to Combat Spiritual Decay in the West.  “Holy Father Calls for the Faithful to Support This New Work”. MERRIMACK, New Hampshire, OCT. 17, 2010.

I should point out that it is Europe, and not the United States, that really is the focus of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization.  Notice the following:

The president of the new Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization says that Europe will have to be the dicastery’s first priority, since that is the continent suffering the most aggressive process of dechristianization.

Archbishop Salvatore Fisichella said this today at a press conference to announce Benedict XVI’s “Ubicumque et Semper,” a decree issued “motu proprio,” which officially establishes the new council. (Villa CE.  Work Gets Under Way in Curia’s Newest Council.  President Says Europe Must Be 1st Priority. VATICAN CITY, OCT. 12, 2010.

It is an interesting “coincidence” that right after the Vatican declares that it needs to re-evangelize Europe, that the Chancellor of Germany admits that “multiculturalism”, really meaning Islamic incursions to Germany, is a “total failure”.

Events for end time prophecies to be fulfilled are lining up.

The final European beast power is in the process of re-emerging and it will have many indications of its German connections.

The time for the final European leader, known as the King of the North, to emerge is getting closer.

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