UK & France Make Historical Defense Deal, But Brussels Will Call the Shots
The United Kingdom and France made a historic defense deal that was announced today:
France and UK plan unprecedented military cooperationReuters – Nov 2, 2010LONDON/PARIS (Reuters) – Britain and France will launch a broad defense partnership on Tuesday that includes setting up a joint force and sharing equipment and nuclear missile research centers, a French government source said.
Treaties to be signed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron at a meeting in London will pave the way for an unprecedented degree of military cooperation between the two neighbors.
The NATO allies, western Europe’s biggest defense spenders and its only nuclear powers, have a centuries-old history of military rivalry and, more recently, have differed sharply over issues such as the Iraq war.
Their new partnership is driven by the desire to maintain cutting-edge military capabilities while at the same time reducing defense spending to rein in big budget deficits…
Britain and France will work together in developing technology for future generations of nuclear submarines, missiles, aerial drones, maritime anti-mine systems and military communications satellites, the source said.
They will also seek to strengthen their cooperation in cyber security and the fight against terrorism.
But the following was also reported today:
Commissioner envisages robust EU crisis centre
EUobserver – Nov 2, 2010
BRUSSELS – EU aid commissioner Kristalina Georgieva is keen to set up a 24-hour-a-day disaster-monitoring centre with access to classified information on EU foreign policy and the authority to call in military assets from EU countries where necessary…
Ms Georgieva was speaking after her proposal last week to set up a new European Emergency Response Centre in Brussels to better cope with natural and man-made disasters around the world…
When asked by this website if the European Emergency Response Centre will need the services of men and women with guns, she answered: “Of course, yes.”
Notice that at least one Brussels-based European leader is calling for the ability to call out national militias.
The reality is that a power from the continent will end up getting control of the military according to Bible prophecy (Revelation 17:12-13). The UK may believe it has taken steps to improve its security, but what is happening is that Britain is recognizing that it cannot afford to properly defend itself, and ultimately it will find out how costly it is to not rely on God, while also not having enough military capability of its own.
Without national repentance, the UK is doomed. The cooperation between France and the UK will not prevent it. And according to both biblical and Catholic prophecies, Britain will apparently be divided by the Europeans in the not too distant future.
Europe will ultimately not allow Britain to exist as it now does. It will get that serious.
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