Ronald Weinland Seems to Give Himself More Time, But Done By Labor Day

Which Book Do You Think Christians Should Rely On? 

 Ronald Weinland Says His Books Are What He Wants Potential Supporters to Closely Study.  The COGwriter Site Instead Urges Those Interested in Him and End-Time Prophecies to Spend More Time Checking His Writings with the Bible.


Yesterday, April 07, 2008 Ronald Weinland was interviewed by Mike McConnell Show.

The Weinland Watch blog typed a transcript which reported the statements in writing (which I verified by listening to the radio interview myself today).  Here is some from that transcript (without any added blogger comments): 

Mike McConnell (MM): And why would you have to be in Israel or why would you choose to be in Israel?

Ronald Weinland (RW): Well I’m going to be there when this all begins on April the 17th because that’s where my job begins and that’s where my job ends. It’s just uh something that I’m to do at this particular point in time…

MM: When you come back would you expect to be able to tell us what you saw, heard, or in any way witnessed that signaled the beginning of the end?

RW: Uh well certainly there we should be able to know very quickly here what’s beginning to take place um. That is the first trumpet that’s blown and it begins to talk about a period of time that this could trigger is going to have a third of everything as far as grass, trees, and so forth burn up um. Obviously then that has a tremendous effect then on agriculture and what that means for the rest of the world right now there’s a rice shortage and grain prices are shooting up there are shortages and it’s uh just the beginning it’s the first thing that begins to happen.

MM: I guess based on weather patterns there is a shortage of something every year isn’t that safe to say?

RW: Oh absolutely. But this is gonna get into the point where it’s so great it’s so strong so powerful that uh this is this is not a small thing this is going to upset a lot of people as as well as uh as well as animals and the like. It’s not a small thing. And by the time you get to the second trumpet it’s even gonna be more devastating and at that point in time there it uh definitely seem to indicate there’s gonna be nuclear weapons go off but I I really some of these things as far as the four seals exactly what they are uh specifically when the nuclear weapons go off and the like uh that’s what my job actually begins April the 17th that’s when I begin my job.

MM: Right then when would the second trumpet come following the first?

RW: Well there’s a period of forty-five days to ninety days that God hasn’t revealed yet and that could very well depend upon people’s response. To what’s taking place. Whether they listen whether they don’t how they respond to things that begins taking place in the first trumpet uh blast takes place so. Uh there’s a period of forty-five days uh that takes us up to about uh the beginning of June and the second trumpet could go at that time or it could take us up to uh a little bit later. Mid-July or even later than that.

MM: Likely June or July.

RW: Uh very likely very likely June or July.

MM: We should see we’ll see dramatic changes between now, now and June or July.

RW:Absolutely. Yeah there’s there’s not gonna be a question in people’s minds when these things begin. These are not gonna be normal things that just happen as a uh consequence of what normal weather patterns or things of that nature there that uh this is going to be of…intensity. It’s not’s going to be a small thing. These are going to be very widespread things that begin to take place.

MM: Well what’s likely to happen and I know this sounds facetious but I’m not. But if anything were to happen they’d just blame it on global warming.

RW: Well the first time they will but when uh nuclear weapons go off they can’t blame that on uh global warming. During this first stage the forty-five days to ninety days that’s exactly what people will do. You’re exactly right . But after that period of time it’s going to it’s going to change dramatically as things of terrorism begin to take place in this country because we have four trumpets that are going to take place here over six months to a year’s period of time and as they take place it’s going to bring this, the United States here to demise. We are we are not we are at our end as far as our country is concerned. I’ve made many comments on different interviews here that we may be able to scrounge together having elections in November but there will not be a new president take office in January…

RW: I wrote the book. And God gave an outline for various things he was very you know there were things very specific there about 2008 uh dates and so forth when things beginning the process uh just like by the time we get to the fifth trumpet we know exactly what’s going to happen that’s when Europe arises. That’s when Europe is given the power they’re given. They fill a vacuum that the United States leaves because we’re going to have an economic collapse here. We’re right at the brink of that anyway. And uh things are trying to hold on as best they can but the reality is this time they’re not gonna be able to hold on. We are going to have a collapse here this year. Before the year is over with we’re gonna have an economic collapse. The Euro has already replaced the dollar as far as strength and power in the world is concerned. And people are starting to move a little bit over there. But they’re panicking too because you know China starts moving over… what they do you know they’ll cut their own throats so. You know it’s it’s difficult for countries out here right now but when we finally collapse uh it’s all said and done and Europe arises and they’re gonna be ten nations in Europe.

MM: Right. You you say that’s when your job starts. What is your job?

RW:Well my job starts April the 17th.

MM: Right. And your job is what?

RW: I am one of the individuals the scripture refers to as one of the two end-time witnesses. One of god’s two end-time prophets.

MM: And you know who the other one is and you won’t reveal it until that point in time?

RW: Yeah next week.

MM: Next week?

RW: Yeah. It’s because it’s not something that’s to be given until that specific time publicly so.

MM: All right is this other person someone you know?

RW: Oh absolutely.

MM: So what uh it could be like your wife or something?

RW: Well. It’ll be announced at that time…

RW: If it doesn’t pan out the only thing I would do is uh . So if I responded to anything at all was to explain to people I was a false prophet that’s the only answer. That I’m no longer a minister.

MM: So if by Labour Day we’re still having a picnic.

RW: Well then I’m I’m through.

MM: Then you would find a different line of work.

RW: Absolutely…

MM: And do you know which cities are going to be nuked?

RW: Well uh, I’ve said many a time here I wouldn’t want to live in New York city or Chicago or LA and uh Houston Texas especially some of those areas uh the larger cities uh those are the primary targets.

MM: And this is something going on between us and Russia? Or us and who?

RW: No, this is uh, some of it’s going to be a matter of terrorism. But even after the terrorism uh actually Europe’s going to uh send a few our way as well. They’re uh we’re gonna be conquered that’s a part of the processes. By the time the fifth trumpet sounds we are going to be conquered by Europe…

Ronald Weinland earlier made it sound like nearly everything would happen in February through April 2008, now it appears that he has given himself more time.

Ronald Weinland is a false prophet and is not one God’s two witnesses.

People need to check out what he says and compare that to the Bible and actual world events.  Including things that biblically should have happened if Ronald Weinland was correct that simply did not.

A few articles of possibly related interest may include:

Concerns About Ronald Weinland’s Church of God-Preparing for the Kingdom of God Ronald Weinland falsely claims to be one of the two witnesses God is raising up and that the end will come in 2008. Is he a false prophet? He has at least one other view that suggests that he is not part of the COG.
Who Are The Two Witnesses? What is their job? What does the Bible reveal? What has the Church of God taught on this subject? Might even Roman Catholic prophecies give some clues here?
Why Be Concerned About False and Heretical Leaders? There have been many false leaders–here is some of why you should be concerned about them.
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin?
End of Mayan Calendar 2012–Might 2012 Mean Something? There is a Mayan calendar prediction for change in 2012. 2012 changes were also centuries ago predicted by the Hopi Native Americans and the Hindu Indians (who were not even on the same continent). Do these Mayan/Hindu/Hopi prophecies have any value? Why might Satan have inspired this date? Can the great tribulation start before 2012?
There are Many COGs: Why Support the Living Church of God? This is an article for those who wish to easily sort out the different COGs. It really should be a MUST READ for current and former WCG members or any interested in supporting the faithful church. It also explains a lot of what the COGs are all about.

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