Russian Patriarch Kirill praises Vatican’s approach to Ukrainian crisis
Patriarch Kirill (
Russian Patriarch Kirill has praised the Vatican over its handling of the crisis that has resulted in the death of over 5000 in Ukraine:
February 4, 2015
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia praised the Vatican’s “balanced approach toward the Ukrainian crisis.”
Interfax news service reported that the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church said that policies pursued by the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church “are causing concern in our relations with the Roman Catholic Church.
Patriarch Kirill stated that the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church “pushed for the overthrow of the authorities using nationalistic and often ‘Russophopic’ slogans as its cover.”
However, the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia praised the Holy See’s stance for a halt to the conflict and appealing for peace on both sides.
“I would like to note with satisfaction that the Holy See itself has always pursued a balanced stance toward the situation in Ukraine and has avoided any lop-sided assessments, but has called for peace talks and an end to armed clashes,” he said.
The relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, he concluded, “demonstrate positive dynamics, primarily thanks to their clear understanding of the need for Orthodox and Catholic believers to act jointly in order to protect traditional Christian values and counter modern challenges such as secularism, discrimination of Christians, family crisis and the dilution of moral principles in private and social life.”
Earlier today, Pope Francis renewed his appeal for peace in Ukraine calling for both sides to lay down their arms.
“I think of you, brothers and sisters of Ukraine,” he said. “But think about this, this is a war among Christians! You have your Baptism, you are fighting among Christians! Think about this, this scandal! And let us pray so that prayer may be our protest in front of God in times of war.”
Pope Francis has not come out in favor of the Kiev government as much as those in Europe would have liked. Pope Francis has refrained from being highly critical of Russia in all of this for several reasons, including his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his desire to attain unity with the Russian Orthodox church.
The Russian Orthodox church has the most members of any branch of the Eastern Orthodox faith, and if Pope Francis wants to get ecumenical unity with the Eastern Orthodox, which of course he does, he likely has concluded that he needs to be careful to not directly offend them if he perceives that as possible.
Thus, the Vatican’s approach to Ukraine, in my view, is mainly one of alignment with the ecumenical and interfaith agenda that Pope Francis has. As I have written before, I believe that the Russian Orthodox will, for a time, provide at least tacit support for the changed ‘Catholic’ faith of the Church of Rome and the final Beast power that will arise in Europe. However, since the Bible shows that a Russian-led confederation will turn against the end time ‘daughter of Babylon’ that Europe will become (Jeremiah 50:41-43; 51:27-33), it would seem that the Russian Orthodox church will also distance itself from whatever version of religion that final Beast power will cling to (the Babylonian leaders will turn against the Church of Seven Hills according to the Bible–Revelation 17:9,16-18).
As far as Ukraine goes, the following was also in the news today:
February 4, 2015
The European Union’s foreign policy chief has called for an immediate truce in eastern Ukraine, where fresh fighting has killed three people, according to officials.
Witnesses saw at least three bodies outside a hospital that was hit by shells in the rebel-held city of Donetsk on Wednesday.
“It wasn’t one shell. One was over there blown up, and the second shell was here. They kind of both fell at once. It was a barrage,” said an unidentified Donetsk resident.
In a statement, the EU’s Federica Mogherini said the “fighting, provoked by the continued separatist offensive, notably around Debaltseve, is causing great human suffering and undermines all efforts aimed at a political solution.” …
The United Nations reported Tuesday 224 civilians were killed and 545 wounded in eastern Ukraine in the three weeks leading up to February 1. It said the civilian death toll has been high in areas controlled by the government and those controlled by the separatists.
U.N. estimates place the death toll in eastern Ukraine at more than 5,358 people, with another 12,235 wounded since mid-April last year.
Now, I agree with Pope Francis and the EU’s Federica Mogherini that those of eastern and western Ukraine should stop killing each other.
However, it needs to be understood that true Christians do not participate in carnal warfare.
Because of distortions, political influence, and compromise, many today do not realize that early true Christians would not participate at all in carnal warfare (details are in the article Military Service and the Churches of God: Do Real Christians Participate in Carnal Warfare or Encourage Violence?). True Christians are also not going around killing others in carnal warfare today.
That being said, though there will likely be ups and downs in the relationship, continue to look for cooperation between the Russian Orthodox and the Vatican for the next several years at least.
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