Archive for July, 2010

Typhoon Hits Philippines & China, Heat Hits Europe & Russia

Friday, July 16th, 2010

Aftermath of Typhoon Ketsana in Manila, Late September 2009


The weather has been wet in Asia and dry in Europe and Russia:

July 16, 2010

Typhoon Conson hits southern China

Typhoon Conson has arrived in southern China after hitting the Philippines where 38 people were killed.

Europe wilts in heat wave
AP – July 16, 2010

A heat wave across much of Europe also is causing crops to wither, forest fires to ignite and roads to melt…

From Russia’s Urals mountains to western Germany, a week of temperatures hovering stubbornly in the mid-30s C (mid-90s F) has baked northern parts of Europe…

Russia’s worst droughts in a century have destroyed almost 10 million hectares (25 million acres) of crops in central and European areas, authorities said…

Germany’s Potato Industry Union, meanwhile, says it expects losses of 30 percent in this year’s harvest…

The Chamber of Agriculture of the Czech Republic estimates the grain harvest could by down by 10 percent…

Meanwhile, drowning deaths were up in Eastern Europe as people flocked to seas, lakes and rivers in search of a break from the blistering heat. More than 230 people died in the last week alone across Russia, with 21 perishing over two weeks in Latvia…


Russia Aims to Prevent Slaughter of Cattle as Drought Worsens

Bloomberg – July 13, 2010

Russia’s government aims to prevent cattle breeders from slaughtering livestock as a worsening drought cuts into feed supplies by damaging plants and threatens to curb sowing…

The drought is the worst since records began 130 years ago, according to the Grain Union, representing Russia’s largest producers and traders.

Weather-related problems can greatly disrupt many lives.

LCG has long had a booklet of possibly related interest titled “Who Controls the Weather? ” that is available for those interested in more on the weather and Bible prophecy.

Jesus foretold on a time of natural disasters as “the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:7-8), but the Book of Revelation (16:8-11) tells of a time of even greater disturbances during “the Day of the Lord”.

Now there is good news as ultimately, God’s kingdom will come and those issues will be gone (Revelation 7:16).

Some articles of possibly related interest may include:

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God was the Emphasis of Jesus and the Early Church Did you know that? Do you even know what the gospel of the kingdom is all about? True religion should be based upon the true gospel.
Islands and Bible Prophecy What’s ahead for islands? What does the Bible prophesy about them?
Asia in Prophecy What is Ahead for Asia? Who are the “Kings of the East”? What will happen to nearly all the Chinese, Russians, Indians, Japanese, and others of Asia? Who has the 200,000,000 man army related to Armageddon?
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe?
Russia: Its Origins and Prophesied Future Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end?
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach?
Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? When does the six thousand years of human rule end?
Can the Great Tribulation Begin in 2010, 2011, or 2012? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord?

Brazil’s President Seeks Spanking Ban

Friday, July 16th, 2010

Brasilia, Brazil


Apparently the president of Brazil feels that spanking is inappropriate:

15 July 2010 Last updated at 22:30 ET

Brazil president seeks legal ban on smacking

Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has sent a bill to Congress which would ban the use of corporal punishment on children.

The bill would outlaw any cruel or degrading treatment that humiliates or seriously threatens children, including spanking.

Lula said it was not meant to prevent parents educating their children.

Certainly child abuse is wrong, but the Bible seems to support the idea that spanking is appropriate:

24 He who keeps back his rod is unkind to his son: the loving father gives punishment with care. (Proverbs 13:24, BBE)

15 Foolish ways are deep-seated in the heart of a child, but the rod of punishment will send them far from him. (Proverbs 22:15, BBE)

3 Don’t be afraid to correct your young ones; a spanking won’t kill them.  14 A good spanking, in fact, might save them from something worse than death. (Proverbs 23:13-14 from THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language © 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights reserved.)

As far as talking to children, as the Brazilian President suggests, that is great.  But it does not always get the attention of the younger children.  Of course, no one should harm their child by spanking too hard, too long, or too often.  Nor do I believe that striking the face, for example, is appropriate.  Hopefully, an appropriate definition will be adopted in Brazil that is safe for children and in accordance with biblical teachings.

And hopefully, parents will spend time with their children as well as to talk to them as corporal punishment should not be the primary form of education.

Two articles of possibly related interest may include:

Successful Parenting: God’s Way This is a new booklet by Dr. J. Fall.
Mexico, Central America, South America, and Brazil in Prophecy [Español: México, America Central, Suramérica, y el Brasil en profecíal] [Português: México, América Central, Ámérica do Sul, e Brasil na profecia] What will happen to those of Latin America? Will they have prosperity? Will they cooperate with Europe? Will they suffer in the future? What role might Brazil play?  What rule might the various Caribbean nations/territories play?

“Mother Church” Unity & Jerusalem

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Interior of Modern Cenacle, Jerusalem

COGwriter, a pro-Vatican news source reported the following:

“Mother Church” Develops ’11 Christian Unity Week

Jerusalem Communities Point to 1st-Century Harmony
VATICAN CITY, JULY 14, 2010 ( The appeal for communion at the base of the 2011 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity comes this year from a church uniquely placed to speak of both division and harmony.

It should be pointed out that in the first century church, everyone, including the Apostle John, kept Passover on the 14th of Nisan in Jerusalem (Eusebius. Church History. Book V, Chapter 25) as it “used to be the church’s custom” (Epiphanius. The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III (Sects 47-80), De Fide). Section VI, Verses 8,11; 9,2. Translated by Frank Williams. EJ Brill, New York, 1994, pp. 410-411).  Keeping the original “Jewish” practices is the record of historians such as Eusebius (Eusebius. Church History, Book IV, Chapter 5) and Gibbon (Gibbon E. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume I, Chapter XV, Section I. ca. 1776-1788).  It is believed that the building known as the “Cenacle” is located above where Jesus and His disciples kept His last Passover, which was also on the 14th of Nisan.  For true and biblical unity, all churches should observe Passover on the same date.  The original date.  Nearly all the Sabbath-keeping Church of God groups in Southern California do this.

The idea of Jerusalem being the “mother church” partially comes from the following scripture:

26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. (Galatians 4:26, KJV)

A scripture, written by the Apostle Paul, that should be of related interest would be the following commendation to a Gentile church for following the practices that those in Judea had:

13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.  14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 2:13-14, KJV).

And the practices that the churches of God in Judea (which included Jerusalem) had were those that modern theologians tend to consider to be Jewish or Judeo-Christian.

Sadly, those practices were lost in Jerusalem after the takeover in 135 A.D. under Emperor Hadrian.

Jerusalem Lost Apostolic Succession

Although certain Vatican sources now want unity with the Eastern Orthodox in Jerusalem and elsewhere, it may be of interest to note that until recently, Catholic scholars pretty much all taught until fairly recently that the Orthodox church in Jerusalem did NOT have apostolic succession.  And that Jerusalem lost it after Hadrian’s troops took over Jerusalem and forced the faithful to flee Jerusalem in the early portion of the second century.

In the second century, even the Catholic and Orthodox saint Irenaeus taught that Jerusalem lost its “apostolic succession”:

Further, also, concerning Jerusalem and the Lord, they venture to assert that, if it had been “the city of the great King,” it would not have been deserted. This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a creation of God, it would never part company with the wheat; and that the vine twigs, if made by God, never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters…The fruit, therefore, having been sown throughout all the world, she (Jerusalem) was deservedly forsaken, and those things which had formerly brought forth fruit abundantly were taken away; for from these, according to the flesh, were Christ and the apostles enabled to bring forth fruit. But now these are no longer useful for bringing forth fruit. For all things which have a beginning in time must of course have an end in time also (Irenaeus. Adversus haereses, Book IV, Chapter IV, Verse 1).

So while the Orthodox also consider Irenaeus to be a saint and Jerusalem to be one of the five “Apostolic Sees”, Irenaeus basically taught that God was finished using Jerusalem as a type of headquarters in this age.  Irenaeus’ “forsaken” statement is probably referring to those that fled Jerusalem prior to its destruction in 70 A.D. or at the latest 135 A.D.

Note what happened in Jerusalem according to the historian E. Gibbon:

The first fifteen bishops of Jerusalem were all circumcised Jews; and the congregation over which they presided united the law of Moses with the doctrine of Christ. It was natural that the primitive tradition of a church which was founded only forty days after the death of Christ, and was governed almost as many years under the immediate inspection of his apostle, should be received as the standard of orthodoxy. The distant churches very frequently appealed to the authority of their venerable Parent, and relieved her distresses by a liberal contribution of alms…

The Nazarenes retired from the ruins of Jerusalem to the little town of Pella beyond the Jordan, where that ancient church languished above sixty years in solitude and obscurity. They still enjoyed the comfort of making frequent and devout visits to the Holy City, and the hope of being one day restored to those seats which both nature and religion taught them to love as well as to revere. But at length, under the reign of Hadrian, the desperate fanaticism of the Jews filled up the measure of their calamities; and the Romans, exasperated by their repeated rebellions, exercised the rights of victory with unusual rigour. The emperor founded, under the name of Alia Capitolina, a new city on Mount Sion, to which he gave the privileges of a colony; and denouncing the severest penalties against any of the Jewish people who should dare to approach its precincts, he fixed a vigilant garrison of a Roman cohort to enforce the execution of his orders. The Nazarenes had only one way left to escape the common proscription, and the force of truth was on this occasion assisted by the influence of temporal advantages.

They elected Marcus for their bishop, a prelate of the race of the Gentiles, and most probably a native either of Italy or of some of the Latin provinces. At his persuasion the most considerable part of the congregation renounced the Mosaic law, in the practice of which they had persevered above a century. By this sacrifice of their habits and prejudices they purchased a free admission into the colony of Hadrian

When the name and honours of the church of Jerusalem had been restored to Mount Sion, the crimes of heresy and schism were imputed to the obscure remnant of the Nazarenes which refused to accompany their Latin bishop. They still preserved their former habitation of Pella, spread themselves into the villages adjacent to Damascus, and formed an inconsiderable church in the city of Bercea, or, as it is now called, of Aleppo, in Syria. The name of Nazarenes was deemed too honourable for those Christian Jews, and they soon received, from the supposed poverty of their understanding, as well as of their condition, the contemptuous epithet of Ebionites…The unfortunate Ebionites, rejected from one religion as apostates, and from the other as heretics, found themselves compelled to assume a more decided character; and although some traces of that obsolete sect may be discovered as late as the fourth century, they insensibly melted away either into the church or the synagogue…

It has been remarked with more ingenuity than truth that the virgin purity of the church was never violated by schism or heresy before the reign of Trajan or Hadrian, about one hundred years after the death of Christ (Gibbon E. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume I, Chapter XV, Section I. ca. 1776-1788).

It should be noted that, because of this revolt, Emperor Hadrian outlawed many practices considered to be Jewish. The Christians in Judea had a decision to make. They either could continue to keep the Sabbath and the rest of God’s law and flee or they could compromise and support a religious leader who would not keep the Sabbath, etc.

Sadly as E. Gibbon’s reported, most, but not all, made the wrong choice in 135 A.D. Jesus, of course, taught that the true church would be a “little flock” (Luke 12:32). This clearly led to a separation between the Christian faithful and those who preferred a form of Christianity more acceptable to the Roman world (for more specific details, please check out the article Nazarene Christianity: Were the Original Christians Nazarenes?). Those who claim Marcus as one of their leaders simply do not wish to retain true apostolic succession.

Furthermore, the Orthodox seem to acknowledge that a change came, but they are a but guarded about it. Notice this admission:

In 135 AD the Roman emperor Hadrian builds on the ruins of Jerusalem a new roman city and names it Aelia Capitolina and permits the Christians to come back. However the Jewish are not permitted to come in town (The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Jerusalem. viewed 11/30/07).

The “Jewish are not permitted to come in to town”?

That’s correct in a sense. Those who kept Jewish practices like the seventh-day Sabbath (and apparently Passover on the 14th) were not permitted to come into Jerusalem after its 135 A.D. takeover (though some snuck back in later). Thus, without admitting it, the Orthodox are acknowledging that changes did take place after 135 A.D. and those changes are proof that there was no faithful apostolic succession in Jerusalem.

And although the current Pope Benedict XVI acts otherwise, the traditional approved position of the Church of Rome for centuries has been that the Orthodox do not have apostolic succession.

Additionally, the other official Roman position is that even if the Orthodox did have it, they lost it no later than 1054:

Regarding the Greek Church, it is sufficient to note that it lost Apostlic succession by withdrawing from the jurisdiction of the lawful successors of St. Peter in the See of Rome. (O’Reilly, Thomas. “Apostolicity.” The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1907. 24 Aug. 2008 <>).

The Catholic Encyclopedia of 1907 notes that Jerusalem lost it in the early 2nd century:

The shortest-lived Apostolic Church is that of Jerusalem…the Holy City was destroyed by Hadrian, and a new town, Ælia Capitolina, erected on its site (Wilhelm J. Transcribed by Donald J. Boon. Apostolic Succession. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume I. Copyright © 1907 by Robert Appleton Company. Online Edition Copyright © 2003 by K. Knight. Nihil Obstat, March 1, 1907. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York).

So basically, despite the claims for unity and discussions about the “mother church” in Jerusalem, Catholic scholars have felt that the succession in Jerusalem was lost after Hadrian’s takeover.  And that is true.

It should be understood that a compromising group calling itself “Christian” but not adhering to the original practices of the first century church in Jerusalem did come into Jerusalem, but since they changed doctrine and practices, they never had real apostolic succession.  Any unity that should happen in Jerusalem should be, as the Zenit article quoted, “grounded in the experience of the early Church“.  Not a compromised one.

Ecumenical compromise is not what Jesus or His faithful followers stood for.  What all Christians need to do is to heed Jude’s admonition to “to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).  The Apostle John also wrote against a time when a false unity will be prevalent (Revelation 13:1-4) and claimed that “antichrists” would not follow his practices (1 John 2:18-22), thus unity with doctrinal compromise should never be the goal of any true Christian.

True unity with Jerusalem will come after the Holy City, New Jerusalem comes down from heaven (Revelation 21:2-4).  Until then, those that wish for that type of unity should study their Bibles, pray, and strive to keep the practices of the original faithful Jerusalem church as is laid out in the Bible.

Some articles of possibly related interest may include:

The History of Early Christianity Are you aware that what most people believe is not what truly happened to the true Christian church? Do you know where the early church was based? Do you know what were the doctrines of the early church? Is your faith really based upon the truth or compromise?
What Do Roman Catholic Scholars Actually Teach About Early Church History? Although most believe that the Roman Catholic Church history teaches an unbroken line of succession of bishops beginning with Peter, with stories about most of them, Roman Catholic scholars know the truth of this matter. This eye-opening article is a must-read for any who really wants to know what Roman Catholic history actually admits about the early church.
Nazarene Christianity: Were the Original Christians Nazarenes? Should Christians be Nazarenes today? What were the practices of the Nazarenes.
Location of the Early Church: Another Look at Ephesus, Smyrna, and Rome What actually happened to the primitive Church? And did the Bible tell about this in advance?
Apostolic Succession What really happened? Did structure and beliefs change? Are many of the widely-held current understandings of this even possible? Did you know that Catholic scholars really do not believe that several of the claimed “apostolic sees” of the Orthodox have apostolic succession–despite the fact that the current pontiff himself seems to wish to ignore this view?  Is there actually a true church that has ties to any of the apostles that is not part of the Catholic or Orthodox churches?  Read this article if you truly are interested in the truth on this matter!
Early Church History: Who Were the Two Major Groups Professed Christ in the Second and Third Centuries? Did you know that many in the second and third centuries felt that there were two major, and separate, professing Christian groups in the second century, but that those in the majority churches tend to now blend the groups together and claim “saints” from both? “Saints” that condemn some of their current beliefs. Who are the two groups?
Why Should American Catholics Should Fear Unity with the Orthodox? Are the current ecumenical meetings a good thing or will they result in disaster?
Orthodox Must Reject Unity with the Roman Catholics The talks for unification involve compromise and the apparent rising up of a changed religion that no one should accept.

Russia Pressuring Iran

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Dmitry      Anatolyevich Medvedev
Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev


Russian President Medvedev wants Iran to come clean about its nuclear program:

Medvedev Tells Iran to Come Clean on Nukes

Published July 15, 2010

Last month, Russia made public comments that distanced itself from Iran (see Russia Distancing Itself from Iran).  Today’s comments suggest that Russia really means it and is probably giving Iran a strong hint that Iran is likely to be attacked if it does not cooperate.

If Iran is attacked, this ultimately may encourage the development of what will be a temporary peace deal, not only with Iran, but likely much of the Middle East (cf. Daniel 9:27).

Some articles of possibly related interest may include:

Russia: Its Origins and Prophesied Future Where do the Russians come from? What is prophesied for Russia? What will it do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end?
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach?
Is There A Future King of the South? Some no longer believe there needs to be. Might Egypt, Islam, Iran, Arabs, or Ethiopia be involved? Might this King be called the Mahdi? What does the Bible say?
The Arab World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy The Bible discusses the origins of the Arab world and discusses the Middle East in prophecy. What is ahead for the Middle East and those who follow Islam? What about the Imam Mahdi?

CGPFK Ronald Weinland’s “More Time” Confusion

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010



For the past three weeks, self-appointed prophet and false claimer to be on the the two witnesses, Ron Weinland, has been giving sermons titled “More Time”.  I have not listened to any of them, but his group Church of God Preparing for the Kingdom recently posted the transcript for the first one (June 26, 2010) online.  It points out, however, that Ronald Weinland does not even seem to be able to accurately “prophecy” how many parts his sermon would be.  Notice:

Today and next Sabbath, actually for sure, we’re going to have part 1 and part 2 of a sermon today…

And there have already been three parts.

And while that is not of that great importance (I mainly have it here to start off with a small joke), it is part of a pattern with Ron Weinland–and that is that he says things that are not accurate, but people keep following him.

In order, in my view, to justify other errors that he makes, he added another odd understanding of prophetic events in the first part of that sermon:

And so God then revealed to us another judgement of His that was declared on Trumpets 2008; and because of the 50th Truth and some of the things we addressed there; but on Trumpets 2008 concerning the timing of Satan’s sign of Christmas. Incredible! Christmas of 2007 to the Feast of Trumpets of 2008 being another 280 days of judgement. God letting Satan know it’s come to an end, this is it…

Well, where has he always worked? The Catholic Church; the mass of Christ; and people don’t understand what it’s about and where it came from. Incredible!  And so, again here, from Christmas of 2007 to Trumpets of 2008; another 280 days of judgement, a sign about Satan. His end is here. His end is nearly over in the sense of his influence upon the world.

This 280 time of judgment related to Satan in 2007/2008 is utter nonsense.  FWIW, over two years ago, he also declared that Satan got special power over Pope Benedict XVI on April 17, 2008.  And while Ron Weinland did not explain how these fit together, there has been no evidence that Pope Benedict was affected in any unusual way since that time.

Ronald Weinland in the 6/26/10 sermon transcript also declared:

And so because of the 50th Truth and the understanding that God has given us of Christ’s return on Pentecost, May 27, 2012 we also came to understand the true date for the sealing of the 144,000 that was to precede Christ’s reign by 1335 days – which again is covered in the book of Daniel at the end of those verses that we were reading earlier. And we understand that was a point in time; September 30,  2008 which was the Feast, again, here talking about Trumpets of 2008. What an incredible thing that God uses the same moment in time to go backward – something to do with Satan; and to go forward. I don’t know about you but I find that a very powerful, awesome sign – I truly do! It’s very motivating, very stirring if we understand.

Now, I am sure that Ronald Weinland will conclude that I am one who does not understand.  But Jesus is NOT going to return on May 27, 2012. And instead of having the physically required signs of the Great Tribulation or even those that the Bible requires from the two witnesses, he seems to claim that his odd interpretation of certain prophetic matters is “a very powerful, awesome sign“.  I say this is nonsense.

He stated the following prophetic misunderstanding:

And so from this God revealed that the opening of the 7th Seal was about Daniel’s 1290 days making this great occasion to be November 14, 2008 – when the 7th Seal was opened.

No, the 7th seal of Revelation 8 was not opened on November 14, 2008.  He originally claimed that the 1290 days began on March18, 2008.  And even after nothing happened on that date, he clung to it claiming what happened to begin the 1290 days was spiritual (for details, please see my news post Ronald Weinland: Nothing Happened March 18th Because What Happened Was Spiritual?)

Ronald Weinland then claimed the following in his 6/26/10 sermon:

So the 1st Trumpet sounded on December 14, 2008 and no immediate evidence was given to the world that the 1st Trumpet had sounded and for some that caused some consternation.

Notice what the BIBLE says should have happened:

7 The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up. (Revelation 8:7)

Of course, people who actually look at the Bible would not believe that the first trumpet sounding happened on December 14, 2008 as the above signs simply have not taken place.  There should be more than “some consternation” with his followers.  His followers either do not believe the Bible, do not understand that Ronald Weinland’s comments contradict the Bible, or do not care that they do.  For some reason, although he quoted parts of the Book of Revelation, he left out the verse that discusses the first trumpet.  His followers should study Revelation chapter 8 and realize that Ronald Weinland continues to prefer his explanation to the word of God.

Instead, he then somewhat wraps that up with another false “time” statement:

So from December 14, 2008 when the 1st Trumpet was blown until and including Trumpets of 2009 was another period of 280 days. Powerful!…God showing and driving the point home this time and finally giving it in a very powerful way that this is a time that we had to understand. Looking back to Trumpets 2008 was the announcement of Satan’s government coming to an end and it was the announcement of those who will begin to rule after Satan is removed and that is about the sealing of 144,000. All these things happening at the same time; and about Christ coming on Pentecost 2012.

Powerful?  No, just another irrelevant and inaccurate statement.  Again, Jesus will NOT return on Pentecost in 2012.

Ronald Weinland then spent time discussing earthquakes, volcanoes, other natural disasters, and economic problems, then stated:

It’s not that these things haven’t happened before, they have! Floods are not new! Volcanoes are not new! Earthquakes are not new! …but the intensity, the frequency – that is new because we continue to enter into a time when things have not happened like they’re happening now.

The problem is that these are NOT the specific events of the first trumpet.  At most, they are events associated with what Jesus referred to as the “beginning of sorrows” that take place PRIOR to the Great Tribulation (cf. Matthew 24).

Notice how he begins the final paragraph of the 6/26/10 sermon:

But I put a cautionary thing out there too… don’t try to figure out what’s going to happen and talk about it to the point and degree that it’s like “this is what must happen,” just as I mentioned here… I have no idea.

It seems like he is telling his followers not to look at what the Bible says must happen and that he, though claiming to be one of God’s two witnesses (he appointed his wife as the other), has no idea what will happen during the time of the seven trumpets, etc.  This should prove to anyone and everyone that he is not one of the two witnesses.

I have repeatedly warned people for around five years that Ronald Weinland was not God’s prophet and that his “prophecies” essentially are from his own imagination (though, like Satan, Ronald Weinland can quote scripture, as do other false prophets–Harold Camping comes to immediate mind as another).

Furthermore, for those unfamiliar with him, perhaps it needs to be pointed out Ron Weinland originally declared that the final 1260 days of the Great Tribulation started on April 17, 2008, but changed that to December 14, 2008.  I would venture to state that very few people think that the Great Tribulation started in 2008, but this is still what Ronald Weinland teaches.

Ronald Weinland also stated that the USA dollar would be worthless   “a little past April” in 2008, that the USA would be nuked by June 8, 2008, that he would stop preaching by the end of July 2008 if that nuclear attack did not happen, and that there would not be a new USA president taking office in January 2009 (yet Barack Obama did).

Ronald Weinland has more and more time confusion.  Hopefully, his followers will wake up and realize this.

Some articles of related interest may include the following:

Concerns About Ronald Weinland’s Church of God-Preparing for the Kingdom of God Ronald Weinland falsely claims to be one of the two witnesses God is raising up and that the end will come in 2008 (first April 17th, then June 2008, now December 14, 2008). Why does the Bible show that Ron Weinland is a false prophet? He also has at least one other view that suggests that he is not part of the Church of God.
Can the Great Tribulation Begin in 2010, 2011, or 2012? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord?
Who Are The Two Witnesses? What is their job? What does the Bible reveal? What has the Church of God taught on this subject? Might even Roman Catholic prophecies give some clues here?
Harold Camping’s Teachings About the End of the World Do Not Agree with the Bible Harold Camping teaches that the rapture will be on May 21, 2011 and the world will end on October 21, 2011. Like Ronald Weinland, he allegorizes too many scriptures.  What does the Bible show?
2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect This is a link related to a book by Bob Thiel (COGwriter). This also has YouTube videos related to 2012. The book is for those truly interested in understanding how prophecies inter-relate and who want to see a real sequence of end time events.  Unlike the false statements in Ronald Weinland’s books, events aligning with this one are actually coming to pass.

Singapore Improving Military Relations With China

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010


The tiny nation of Singapore has apparently seen “the handwriting on the wall” as it is improving its military relations with China:

China Seeks to Advance Military Ties with Singapore

This move is consistent with biblical prophecy which shows a final alignment and military cooperation between “the kings of the east”.

Singapore was granted sovereignty from the British in 1965.  It has the world’s 9th most foreign reserves which is quite an accomplishment for a small island country with a population of about 5,000,000.  Apparently Singapore does not feel that it should rely completely on the Anglo-powers to assist its defense needs and seems to have seen that China keeps rising (though it will likely have one or more setbacks).  Perhaps they feel that they will do better negotiating with China before China likely ends up with Taiwan.

Since 1980, the concept and strategy of “Total Defence” has been adopted in most aspects of security in Singapore, with the goal of strengthening Singapore against all kinds of threats.  And now that apparently includes more cooperation with China.

Some articles of possibly related interest may include:

China, Its Biblical Past and Future, Part 1: Genesis and Chinese Characters This article provides information showing that the Chinese peoples must have known about various accounts in the Book of Genesis up until their dispersion after the Tower of Babel.
China, Its Biblical Past and Future, Part 2: The Sabbath and Some of God’s Witness in China When did Christianity first come to China? And is there early evidence that they observed the seventh day sabbath?
Asia in Prophecy What is Ahead for China? Is it a “King of the East”? What will happen to nearly all the Chinese, Russians, and others of Asia? China in prophecy, where?
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, British, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first?

300 Versions of the Flood

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010


While I have long known that there were many accounts of the great flood in Noah’s time, this morning a reader sent me a link to a news piece that mentions a few details that seem interesting:

Gods, floods – and global warming

By Steve Jones
Published: 10:44AM BST 13 Jul 2010…

The new science of geomythology sets out to tie such tales to ancient disasters. Often, geology and legend fit remarkably well…

The greatest tale of all is that of the Flood. Noah finds his roots in older legends. Three hundred Flood narratives are known, from the Americas to Australia (from whence comes the tale of the frog that swallowed the world’s water only to spew it out when the other animals made him laugh).

Of course, the account that we in the genuine Church of God rely on is the biblical account.  My book 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect discusses the biblical account and compares it to certain Mayan-related predictions of a coming flood.

But the fact that there are hundreds of flood accounts all across the world should demonstrate to any who are willing to think that a worldwide flood did occur.

I have long suspected that some will claim that Noah’s ark will be found in the last days.  And some have claimed that it was earlier this year (see Have the Turks and Chinese Just Found Noah’s Ark?).  If it is truly been found, this will rock the view many of the less religious, and likely strengthen the faith of those that are religious.

Hollywood has made several movies about Noah’s ark–and while several associated with those films likely did not believe in it, if the ark has truly been found, then they and others are likely to change their views.

And while most Catholics, Protestants, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Latter Day Saints (Mormons), Seventh-day Adventists, and Eastern Orthodox probably think that this “find” would be a great recruiting tool, there are reasons to be cautious, if it ever was truly accepted as being found.

Both biblical (Revelation 13) and non-biblical prophecy warn of a time when an ecumenical religion will take over the world.  If Noah’s ark is ever truly accepted as having been found, this will likely represent part of a major turning point in getting more of humanity to accept a coming world religion that claims to be Christian.

Since many cultures have a tale of the flood, this will make the coming ecumenical religion acceptable even to certain cultures that do not normally refer to the Bible for their beliefs.  Thus a real “find” of Noah’s ark could be important for that unity.

The end of this age is fast approaching, so more information on the flood and possibly even an identification of the Ark certainly seems possible.

Some articles of potentially related interest may include:

Have the Turks and Chinese Just Found Noah’s Ark? Some have so claimed.  If true, this could change how much of the world views events from the Bible.
The Bible: Fact or Fiction? This is a booklet written by Douglas Winnail that answers if the Bible is just a collection of myths and legends or the inspired word of God.
Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? When does the six thousand years of human rule end?

Castro on War with Iran

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010


Cuba’s Fidel Castro made some comments regarding the situation with Iran:

Castro: US provoking war on Iran

Tue, 13 Jul 2010

In a rare television appearance after four years, former Cuban president Fidel Castro has warned that US tension with Iran could erupt into a full-fledged war.

“I think that the danger of war is growing a lot. They are playing with fire,” Castro said during the 75-minute conversation on a daily Cuban talk show.

Criticizing the large number of US nuclear arsenal and Washington’s heavy military spending, Castro cautioned the White House that an attack on Iran would be catastrophic for it.

“The worst (for America) is the resistance they will face there, which they didn’t face in Iraq,” Castro said in his most prominent television interview since undergoing an emergency intestinal surgery in 2006.

“They have purchased all the planes they can. They have bought all the arms on the market. Fundamentally, those arms are Russian and Chinese,” added the 83-year-old Cuban leader, referring to the US arms bazaar…

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, however, has been pushing for the resumption of nuclear talks with Iran in recent weeks.

The reality is that it is more likely that the State of Israel will attack Iran.

The Bible tells of times of war (Matthew 24:5-8; Revelation 6:4), insincere peace deals (Daniel 9:27; 11:27), and false peace (Ezekiel 13:8-13; 1 Thessalonians 5:3), all prior to the start of the Great Tribulation.

It may be that there will be war with Iran and other places that start this Fall.  If that is the case, peace deals will probably follow reasonably close.

Some articles of possibly related interest may include:

Can the Great Tribulation Begin in 2010, 2011, or 2012? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord?
Is There A Future King of the South? Some no longer believe there needs to be. Might Egypt, Islam, Iran, Arabs, or Ethiopia be involved? Might this King be called the Mahdi? What does the Bible say?
The Arab World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy The Bible discusses the origins of the Arab world and discusses the Middle East in prophecy. What is ahead for the Middle East and those who follow Islam? What about the Imam Mahdi?
Mexico, Central America, South America, and Brazil in Prophecy [Español: México, America Central, Suramérica, y el Brasil en profecíal] [Português: México, América Central, Ámérica do Sul, e Brasil na profecia] What will happen to those of Latin America? Will they have prosperity? Will they cooperate with Europe? Will they suffer in the future? What rule might the various Caribbean nations/territories play?

“Financing” Disasters in 2012?

Monday, July 12th, 2010

World Currencies


Recent news reports suggest that financial and financing disasters may happen in or near 2012.  Notice the first one:

Banks face trillion-dollar rollover crunch

Sydney Morning Herald – July 13, 2010

THE sovereign debt crisis has created worry enough for European banks, but there is another threat that has not garnered as much notice. Financial institutions must repay or roll over trillions of dollars in short-term borrowing in the next two years.

The European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the International Monetary Fund have all warned of a looming crunch, especially in Europe, where banks have struggled to raise money.

The concern is that banks hungry for refinancing will compete with governments – which must also roll over huge sums – for the bond market’s favour. As a result, credit for business and consumers could become more costly and scarce.

Banks worldwide owe nearly $US5 trillion ($A5.7 trillion) to bondholders and other creditors that must be refinanced by 2012, according to the Bank for International Settlements. About $US2.6 trillion is in Europe.

US banks must refinance about $US1.3 trillion by 2012. While that sum is nothing to scoff at, analysts seem most concerned about Europe because its banking system is already weighed down by the sovereign debt crisis.

Additionally, other reports are indicating that certain USA states are about to hurt, big time:

States Can’t Count on Bailout, Obama Appointees Say
Bloomberg – July 12, 2010
States can’t count on the federal government for more budget bailouts, the heads of President Barack Obama’s debt commission told governors.States expecting Congress to authorize more assistance are “going to be left with a very large hole to fill,” said Erskine Bowles, co-chairman of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. States including New York and California have urged Congress to extend stimulus spending authorized to combat the recession, including extra Medicaid funding and money to pay public school teachers.“I don’t think we can count on the federal government again,” Bowles, White House chief of staff under former President Bill Clinton, said yesterday at the National Governors Association meeting in Boston. “They just do not have the financial resources.”While the economy has been expanding, states have yet to recover from the longest recession since the Great Depression. The rout cut into tax collections and led them to raise taxes and slash spending on schools, social services and other expenses. States have projected total budget deficits of $127 billion through 2012, according to a report last month by the governors association and the National Association of State Budget Officers.

Financing and financial systems are in rough shape.  This is sadly consistent with biblical prophecy and warnings against debt accumulation.  Savings are supposed to happen during positive economic times, and those savings used during recessions/depressions.  But because the USA federal government, and state governments such as California, increased borrowing, and not savings during the better times, they are in much worse shape now than they should have been.

Of course, other governments are affected as well.  But according to biblical prophecy, the USA and its Anglo-allies are likely to be the ones that suffer fairly hard and fairly quickly from it.  They, who have so many Bibles, should have known better.

For more information, please check out the following:

Prophecies of Barack Obama? Are there biblical and non-biblical prophecies about Barack Obama. Did Nostradamus predict Barack Obama dealing with the Antichrist?  This is a lengthy article with many prophecies that Barack Obama may end up fulfilling.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States Some claim that Barack Obama is the prophesied “son of Kenya”. Might Bible prophecy be fulfilled by him?
Barack Obama in Islamic Prophecy? There is actually a 17th century Shiite prophecy that some believe that Barack Obama will fulfill that will lead to a rising up of Islam.
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, British, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first?
2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect This is a link related to a book by Bob Thiel (COGwriter). This also has YouTube videos. This book documents and explains hundreds of prophecies. And since it was published, many have already started to come to pass.
2012 y el surgimiento de la secta secreta Nuevo libro del Dr. Thiel en Español.
2012 und das Auftreten der geheimen Sekte (German Edition) 2012 Buch von Dr. Thiel in deutscher Sprache.

Dirty Bomb Suspects Arrested in South Africa

Monday, July 12th, 2010

Hiroshima After the Atomic Bomb Was Detonated


While much of the world has focused on the World Cup Soccer (called Football by most of the world) events in South Africa lately (with Spain winning), something much more potentially important was also going on.  Some in South Africa were apparently involved in a plot to supply materials for what is known as a “dirty bomb”:

July 12, 2010

Alleged Dirty Bomb Scheme Busted in S. Africa

4 Arrested in Sting Operation at Pretoria Gas Station; Radioactive Isotope Caesium-137 Recovered

(CBS) Four men allegedly involved in the sale of radioactive materials suspected for use in a dirty bomb were arrested at a South Africa gas station, CBS News confirms.

The arrests were the results of a sting operation by international police forces in Pretoria. They were first reported in the Independent, a South African newspaper.

According to the report, police stormed the gas station and opened fire on the suspects, sending panicked customers and attendants fleeing. Authorities recovered amounts of Caesium-137, a radioactive isotope, but didn’t find a larger device rumored to be available on the black market. The Caesium-137 could potentially be used for a dirty bomb.

“We don’t know what these suspects’ intentions were and we need to find the device quickly,” a police official told the Independent.

The sting operation involved members of Interpol and a specialized South African tactical unit called the Hawks. Undercover law enforcement agents had infiltrated the alleged criminal organization involved in the bust.

A dirty bomb DOES NOT explode like a true nuclear bomb as it is NOT A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION.  Hence it is not as destructive as nuclear bombs like the one Hiroshima was.

What a dirty bomb is is a regular bomb that contains radioactive materials.  It is called a dirty bomb because in addition to the damage caused by its explosion, it contaminates (makes dirty) the entire area for quite a while and is believed to have the potential to shut down the functioning of at least portions of major cities where detonated.

It is generally believed that various terrorist organizations are interested in acquiring nuclear materials so that they can greatly disrupt commerce and society in Western lands (mainly, but not exclusively, often meaning the USA and the UK).

And while the South African gfovernment apparently succeeded in arresting some that apparently were involved in supporting that activity, the fact that nuclear materials were confiscated should hopefully open up everyone’s eyes to the fact that nuclear materials are getting into the hands of people that governments do not want to get a hold of them.

I have long suspected that the use of dirty bombs would occur in the USA and elsewhere, and are likely to be part of s series of events that will help bring down the USA and its Anglo-descended allies.  And it looks like terrorists hope to accomplish that.

Some articles of possibly related interest may include:

Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, British, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first?
Can the Great Tribulation Begin in 2010, 2011, or 2012? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord?
Prophecies of Barack Obama? Are there biblical and non-biblical prophecies about Barack Obama. Did Nostradamus predict Barack Obama dealing with the Antichrist?  This is a lengthy article with many prophecies that Barack Obama may end up fulfilling.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States Some claim that Barack Obama is the prophesied “son of Kenya”. Might Bible prophecy be fulfilled by him?
Africa: Its Biblical Past and Prophesied Future What does the Bible teach about Africa and its future? Did the early Church reach Africa? Will God call all the Africans?